Evolving Visualizations
for Evolving Health

Evolving Visualizations
for Evolving Health

Evolving Visualizations
for Evolving Health

Welcome to the Kiel Science Communication Network – KielSCN

As a joint science communication research centre we want to develop new approaches for science communication by focusing on information visualizations and their perception. For this, the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design and Kiel University joint forces: with our combined expertise in the fields of educational sciences, information design and innovative health research we aim to take visual science communication to the next level.

In addition to the academic institutions, media partners from science communication practice such as Spektrum der Wissenschaft, kurzgesagt.org and the Nordeutscher Rundfunk as well as the non-profit organization opencampus.sh are involved. These partnerships will help to further implement our research projects and to establish the KielSCN as a central hub for participatory, visual science communication in the long run.

Last but not least we want you to get involved. We want to learn more about your needs and preferences to develop information visualizations that actually fit them. Therefore we invite you to be part of the process helping us test and improve our designs. In return you and others benefit from products that offer information on health-related topics of highest relevance for citizens and societies.

Recent news & events

Apr 2024

Invitation: Panel Discussion on May 15, 2024

Today, science communication is demanded and promoted in all areas of research, and the world of ideas and initiatives for implementation is broad and diverse. But who do these offers actually reach? Let’s discuss this on Wednesday, May 15, together with representatives of the four research centers for science communication funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, but also with all interested parties.

Fellows, News,
Aug 2023

Carsten Könneker joins the KielSCN as Creative Fellow

From August 1 to September 30, 2023, Carsten Könneker will support the Kiel Science Communication Network (KielSCN) as an additional Creative Fellow. During his fellowship, he will work on parts of the concept for the participatory platform that we are building together with our practice partner Spektrum der Wissenschaft.

Institutions & Partners

The Kiel Science Communication Network (KielSCN) is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation as one of four consortia across Germany over a period of five years as part of the funding line Science Communication Cubed – Science of Science Communication Centers.