Research-based Trainings and Support Services for Various Target Groups

“We take a look at the tools we need to offer different audiences, such as researchers, students, science communication practitioners and young people, so that they can communicate scientific findings effectively using visual means.”
Professionalization for Researchers
What skills do researchers need to communicate their scientific findings or research processes effectively to different target groups? Yael Barel-Ben David deals with this question. Based on research findings, she is developing training modules for scientists whose effectiveness she is testing with various audiences of the general public. In addition, she is investigating how generative AI can usefully support researchers’ communication efforts.
Design Challenges for Higher Education
Through the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design, we involve students in the KielSCN. We regularly challenge them to develop innovative products for visual science communication. The student teams work closely with researchers from the health sector and design experts. In these collaborative design challenges, students gain valuable practical experience in a transdisciplinary context. At the same time, they learn how to translate complex scientific concepts into understandable and appealing visual formats. One example is the Mulitresi Campaign, which uses unusual products to raise awareness on the topic of antibiotic resistance.

Design Support for Practitioners
In collaboration with our practice partner Spektrum der Wissenschaft and our colleague Carolin Wagener, we are developing support options for players in the field of science communication. For example, we are evaluating the effectiveness of data visualizations in order to provide scenarios, methods and tools for possible future evaluation efforts in online science communication.
We also want to develop a deeper understanding of how science journalists design visualizations and incorporate them into their articles. For this purpose, we are currently conducting an analysis of needs. On this basis, we will then develop tailor-made tools that help journalists to efficiently shape the design process and find new inspiration.
Involving Young People in Science Communication
In a project seminar at the Hebbel School in Kiel, upper school students worked together with KielSCN member Anna Vollersen to develop concepts for science communication. In a workshop at the Young Waterkant Festival 2023, the participants explained to other young people how they too can become a spokesperson for science at their school. In the interactive format, the students shared valuable knowledge and taught important skills for presenting complex topics in an engaging way. Building on these experiences, a TalentCamp on the topic of science communication was also held at the Kieler Forschungswerkstatt during the 2023 fall break.