News, Dec 2021

Official start of KielSCN on the first of December

Participating institutions and core team

With the project approval in summer 2021, the starting signal was given for the new Center for Science Communication Research in Kiel. On December 1, the Kiel Science Communication Network (KielSCN) now officially started its work.

As one of four Germany-wide research consortiums, the KielSCN will be funded over a period of five years in the funding line “Science Communication Cubed – Science of Science Communication Centers”. The institutions involved are:

  • the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) with Senior Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Ilka Parchmann and Junior Principal Investigators Dr. Carolin Enzingmüller and Dr. Melanie Keller,
  • the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts (MHK) with Senior Principal Investigator Prof. Tom Duscher and
  • Kiel University (CAU) with Senior Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Hinrich Schulenburg.

Current calls for applications and recruitment procedures

In the future, this core team will be complemented by two doctoral positions, which are currently being called for. In addition, recruitment procedures are underway for a scientific position in the field of design as well as a postdoctoral position focusing on the field of science communication research and the development of training opportunities for researchers. Two additional PhD positions are expected to be recruited in the second half of 2022.

On the organizational level, one person in communications and one person in project management complete the team.

Partners from the practice

In addition to the academic institutions, partners from practice are involved in the work of the KielSCN. These are:

  • the Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR),
  • Spektrum der Wissenschaft,
  • the video channel Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell and
  • opencampus.

In the future, the network will also be supported by research fellows and internationally recognized experts in science communication.

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