News, Oct 2022

Science Day in Kiel as Part of the European Researcher’s Night

Throughout the entire City of Kiel, Science Day took place on Friday, September 30th, as part of the European Researcher’s Night. More than 300 representatives from scientific institutions in the KielRegion made this day a very special one. Numerous interactive hands-on activities impressed the visitors with eye tracking, high voltage to grasp and different experiments. We participated with an exhibition area and various interactive activities in the Seeburg at the Kiellinie.

Which Design Idea inspires?

Starting at 2 p.m., we wanted to know how people want to experience science in the future. For this purpose, we once again showed the four concepts that master’s students developed in the semester project Pop-Up Science! at Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts on the topic of antibiotic resistance. All those interested were able to cast their vote on a large polling board. The concept Multiresi by Jule Görge, Anastasiya Okshina, Alexandra Schäfer, Paulina Seubert, Linea Walker-Friedrichs inspired the visitors the most.

Multiresi is a brand that combines knowledge from research on antibiotic resistance with various products. This way, the project team wants to generate attention for the resistance problem and to convey the associated research from Kiel in an unexpected, consumable and sexy way. Subversively, the products, and with them the knowledge, creep into the everyday life of consumers. An accompanying online presence on Tiktok, Instagram, and the Multiresi website provides in-depth knowledge about antibiotic resistance in parallel.

What health topics interest people?

We also asked the visitors what they were interested in when it comes to research on the topic of health. They were able to write down their personal interests on small cards. In this context, we were interested in details on specific topics of health research, but also on what questions there are around research processes in this field. The answers help us to tailor content for future visualizations more closely to people’s needs.

How do we work at KielSCN?

In personal interactions, we also provided insights into our work: How do new approaches to the visual communication of scientific content emerge from the collaboration between educational research, information design and innovative health research, and how can the public get involved in the design process?

Background: The Night of Science becomes the Festival of Science in 2022

The KielRegion has already been part of the European Researchers’ Night since 2016. After two years without on-site events, the Night of Science is now returning as the Festival of Science. This year’s highlight is the Science Day on September 30th in the entire city area of Kiel. Visitors will discover science and research at a total of 10 locations throughout the day. The program ranges from hands-on experiments, exhibitions and laboratory tours to workshops and talks. Complementing the festival program are five science talks in the region as well as the two school programs Rent-a-Science-Film and Rent-a-Scientist.

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